
Exposure Draft On Environmental Impact Assessment: 30000 t/Year Battery Lithium Carbonate Industrialization Project (Phase I) Of Shaanxi Jinzang Lithium Industry Co., Ltd
Date:2023-08-01    Author:    Source:    hit:899

Pursuant to the Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment Act (Order No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecological Environment), the public's opinions and suggestions on environmental protection of 30000 t/Year Battery Lithium Carbonate Industrialization Project (Phase I) Of Shaanxi Jinzang Lithium Industry Co., Ltd are hereby solicited.

1. Access to the Project Environmental Impact Report

The environmental impact Assessment report (draft for comments) of the 30000 t/year battery grade Lithium carbonate industrialization project (Phase I) of Shaanxi Jinzang Lithium Industry Co., Ltd. has been prepared. The public can visit the website (link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QjiC1z5TdCT5chmLOMOpNw Extract code: 7ttd) or contact the environmental impact assessment unit through phone, visit, or other means.

2. Scope

Citizens, legal persons, and other organizations within the scope of the environmental impact assessment of the project.

3. Comments Feedback Form

Public can download the form by visiting website to download and fill their comments. (Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1TXGpfF7QVBEBw_EpAWJrNw  Extract code:86d4)

4. Time And Ways To Submit Comments Form

Within 5 working days from the date of publication of this announcement (May 5, 2023 to May 10, 2023), the public can contact the construction unit through phone, letter, email, visit, and other means to express suggestions and opinions on the environmental impact and environmental protection measures of the project, and submit a public opinion form.

5.EIA institution and contact information

Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Contact: Mr. Shu, Tell: 029-88573037, Email:xauat-eia@163.com

6.Contacts of Employer

Shaanxi Jinzang Lithium Industry Co., LTD, Contact: Mr. He, Tell: 029-82201503.